Tuesday, February 7, 2023


Narcissists are Masters of Projection. What they accuse you of is what they are doing.

Narcissists are masters of emotional manipulation.  Since emotion overrides logic, fake crying is a great tactic for the manipulative narcissist to use, since "men don't cry". 

A man crying as he tells his version of the truth can be profoundly persuasive. The most astute observer of human nature can be easily swayed to the narcissist's point of view by using this most effective manipulation tactic, especially with empathic individuals.

Since one rarely sees a grown man cry, that experience can be greatly moving and persuasive especially in an intimate group setting.  Crying, while in an intimate group can elicit sympathy for the perceived injury of the wounded who portays the other as the evil villian, the abuser.

Narcissists use projection to sway their audience. What they are doing is projected onto the other. Taking responsibility is not in their repertoire so any manner of deceit is used. Truth is an inconvenient fact best avoided. Blame shifting is a tactic most useful in such situations. 

Sacrificing the truth is a small price to pay to uphold and maintain one's image. Portraying oneself as the beleaguered abused victim and the actual victim as the abuser, serves their interest in maintaining the false front of the narcissist.

In narcissistic education circles it is referred to as:

Victim and 

The DARVO tactic is used to conceal the truth of their behavior to their audience and to control how others perceive the target and the conflict. The abuser is able to concoct a story to cultivate biases against the target and to rally bystanders to their cause.

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