Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The Love of his Life

His Ex Wife

He'll tell them all

"She left me when I started dating

After 40 years

She did" 

Shopping for other women

Putting himself on the meat market

Planning a tryst

"You're the Love of my Life" he says

Lying eyes he has

Thinks it's funny.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023


Narcissists are Masters of Projection. What they accuse you of is what they are doing.

Narcissists are masters of emotional manipulation.  Since emotion overrides logic, fake crying is a great tactic for the manipulative narcissist to use, since "men don't cry". 

A man crying as he tells his version of the truth can be profoundly persuasive. The most astute observer of human nature can be easily swayed to the narcissist's point of view by using this most effective manipulation tactic, especially with empathic individuals.

Since one rarely sees a grown man cry, that experience can be greatly moving and persuasive especially in an intimate group setting.  Crying, while in an intimate group can elicit sympathy for the perceived injury of the wounded who portays the other as the evil villian, the abuser.

Narcissists use projection to sway their audience. What they are doing is projected onto the other. Taking responsibility is not in their repertoire so any manner of deceit is used. Truth is an inconvenient fact best avoided. Blame shifting is a tactic most useful in such situations. 

Sacrificing the truth is a small price to pay to uphold and maintain one's image. Portraying oneself as the beleaguered abused victim and the actual victim as the abuser, serves their interest in maintaining the false front of the narcissist.

In narcissistic education circles it is referred to as:

Victim and 

The DARVO tactic is used to conceal the truth of their behavior to their audience and to control how others perceive the target and the conflict. The abuser is able to concoct a story to cultivate biases against the target and to rally bystanders to their cause.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Time to go

 It was when he announced he was going to get a gun that I realized things were getting serious. I felt in danger and knew it was definitely time to make changes.

He was always volatile. He loved me sooo much, I was his sweetie pie, and maybe hours later he would be screaming at me about some minor issue or maybe something that just popped into his head, something I had said in the past or something that offended his delicate nature, or just because he was bored and needed some excitement, a new crisis of the day. 

The days were filled with crises, a few times a week, once a week or every two weeks, I realized once I started charting it. It left me trying to avoid him for the most part to avoid the conflict that my presence seemed to elicit.

The constant unpredictability left me anxious and nervous, waiting for the frequent attacks. My sleeping suffered, as did most other aspects of my life. Long walks were a temporary respite. Praying for relief and direction was something I could do. Spending time with friends was helpful, though he didn't really like most of them and said critical and insulting things about them to try to dissuade me from spending time with them. Though he was kind to my friends, seems his disapproval was only expressed to me of course.

I didn't realize it until I started journaling. I was always caught off guard or recovering my equilibrium from the ongoing attacks, trying to figure out what I could do differently to avoid enraging him. My journal showed me the frequency of the rages and the triggers to his anger and what I noticed was that it didn't make sense. There was no rhyme or reason to it. In fact the changability in his thinking waved like a huge red flag. That's why when he decided he wanted to get a gun I knew it was time for me to come up with an exit strategy.


Wednesday, March 30, 2022


 I had to fix the door, the plate needed to be adjusted as I couldn't lock the door...that left me defenseless, without a locking door between us. I was unable to relax fully, bracing against him bursting into my room with whatever my current offense and corrective lecture of the moment might be. The worse for me is the days where i am awoken from a sound sleep by shouted obscenities.

IBS strikes again... seems my stress level has again exceeded my body's ability to compensate. LOUD NOISES and HIS VOICE which is a loud noise makes me jump, my stomach knots, my body clenches- waiting for the inevitable RAGE FILLED ONSLAUGHT.

I have IBS I'm married to an IED Hmmm... an IED is one of those roadside bombs they have in Iraq, never know where they are or when. but they're gonna BLOW! That that very condition alone would have a stress inducing effect on me- I'm sure he can't imagine what is wrong with ME? He lives here too ya know he should be able to blow up whenever and where ever he wants to, HE LIVES HERE TOO YA KNOW!!!

So what do you say to a rage-aholic about their rage? (Nothing if you're smart)

Whoops he "popped a cork" what a cute euphemism for an IED to use to describe their explosions. "Whoops, I popped a cork" sounds like a kid's toy doesn't it? He's popping corks and I'm getting blown up by IEDs.

I'm noticing long standing behaviors of my own in a new light....Like when he comes in the house I go to my room (AVOIDING CONFLICT)

At night, when I get up. I tip toe out and listen cautiously, holding my breath, if he is snoring I exhale and my whole body lets down because I feel safe that he is asleep and I will be able to AVOID CONFLICT, then I feel relaxed. If he gets up, I tense and retreat.

Often, driving home ( I would like to look forward to coming home), but honestly, often and for a few years, on the way home I will go 10 miles per hour, not even pushing on the gas because it takes longer to get there and I am filled with dread and anxiety. It takes abour 30- 40 minutes to go home that way, or I'll pull over, turn off the car and just sit for as long as I can prolong my return to CONFLICT. I drive into the driveway and hope one of his friends are there because that changes everything and he's not going to attack. If not, I look for clues, is he inside? outside? garage? the grounds? on the computer? I access the safety of my entrance- will he attack when I enter?If he is laughing at the computer, I relax. If he is standing there and waiting to pounce, I tense and brace, I agree to whatever it is I've done wrong- the lecture is usually 5- 10 minutes. I go to my room as soon as I am able. 

I started referring to him as Johnny Conflict as that was an appropriate handle for his very changeable and unpredictable presence in my life. I learned many things from him, how to pee silently at night without making a sound so as not to wake Johnny Conflict, I learned how to sneak into the kitchen at night and get a snack without waking Johnny to avoid conflict. 

Amazing how he is able to present his false self to others, he seems so wonderful and kind and all things great, except he's not! he's an angry narcissist who will put on a show of wonderfullness to others when his dishonesty and hatred is simmering just beneath the surface. You think he's great now? Just wait till Johnny Conflict shows up! That is the real person behind the mask. BEWARE!

On our 45th anniversary I called the Domestic Abuse Hotline. 1-800-799-7233. They were very helpful. 

He Loves me SOOOO much I am wonderful and beautiful he says until Johnny Conflict shows up, then I am worthless and the disdain and hatred is palpable.

So, I have PTSD from this tip toeing around in the dark, holding my breath, trying to avoid Johnny Conflict and his rage filled onslaughts.

It took me 6 years to choose to divorce Johnny. I knew I would never have peace in a life with Johnny Conflict and I chose to leave a 48 year marriage because he was unable and unwilling to change.

And now I can look forward to a peaceful life without the daily conflict ....

It's hard to kiss the lips at night...
